Is it safe to use Henna on your hair if you're pregnant?

I received a great question asking if you can use Henna on your hair while pregnant. As long as you are using all natural henna, or henna that is mixed with natural ingredients, it is safe to use while you're pregnant. I get my Henna from Henna King However you can find body art quality henna in your local Indian store, or other places online. Just be sure to look at the ingredients so that you can make sure it contains no metals. 

Also there are many studies that say to never buy the BLACK Henna mix for doing Henna art tattoos because it can cause a burning reaction. If you want to dye your hair black with Henna you will want to get Henna mixed with Indigo. 

There is a tradition in a few different countries that believe when you are in your 3rd trimester of pregnancy you put henna on your belly for good luck, or to lore the evil eye away. 

Here is a blog that gives some more details on using henna while pregnant.

Tattooing your pregnant belly

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